19 April 2009

Day 245 : Weekend in the lab

Hello readers!!

It's Sunday and here I am in the lab..doing experiments, scoring slides and key in my data. I'm all alone and I guess the culture here is not to work during weekends. Nobody is here!!.

Anyway, you have to do what you have to do. No complaints. Many people cant really understand the nature of people doing PhD..therefore any advice is useless unless you experience it. I'm sick of people judging me, saying..buat PhD?? rilekla..stress?? buat ape nak stress?? rilek laa..err..the life is different. The problem is different. The experience is different. Nevertheless, I'm grateful to be where I am now.

It's been 8 months already and I think I can publish a paper besides one literature review paper. You have to set your aim before you can work hard for it.

Word of wisdom from my dad yesterday..

- Niatkan belajar kerana Allah..insyaAllah akan dipermudahkan.

- It's good to feel a bit stress because I know you can work well under stress :)

- Set the dreams high so you can work smart and work hard for it

- You will make everybody in the family proud with what you have now :)


Nota I : I loved my parents..when you feel alone, they will be there to support you without any doubt

Nota II : Family is a gift. Treasure the gift before you lose it.

Nota III : My little brother (Farid) already finished his matriculation. How quick time flies :)

Nota IV : My little brother just remind me of of this movie. A must watch for 2009!!

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